Hobbs Public Library issues ELIN library cards to residents who can provide a Lea County, New Mexico, government issued photo ID. An applicant must also provide a contact person at a different address. If you have an out-of-state or out-of-Lea County ID, see the FAQ on temporary ELIN cards.
A Temp-ELIN card is required when a patron has an out-of-Lea County government-issued ID but will reside in Lea County for a minimum of six months (6). Temporary ELIN cards allow for 5 item checkout and one patron per card; no children may be added. Patron is required to provide Lea County proof of address or a post card will be mailed to verify.
Children ages 5 through 17 may be added to a parent or legal guardian’s ELIN library card. Children cannot be added to a temporary ELIN card.
Your first library card is free! There is a $5.00 fee to replace an ELIN library card. Your first computer use card is also free and a replacement is $1.00.
Your ELIN card may be used at:
There are several reasons why your card might not work online. Please call the library at (575) 397-9328 and we can assist you.
Temporary ELIN cards have a checkout limit of 5 items total, within limits listed below:
Regular ELIN card checkout limits:
Books, Audio Books, Periodicals are checked out for 3 weeks at a time.
DVDs and music CDs are checked out for 1 week at a time.
HPL charges overdue fines as listed below:
Patrons may contact the library in person or by phone to place a hold. Staff will ask for your library card number, the title and author of the item. Staff will then call you or send a postcard by mail once the item becomes available.
All items may be renewed twice, unless they are on hold for someone else. Renewals may be done in person, over the phone or online.
Keep in mind that if you checked out an item from another ELIN library, the checkout and renewal terms may be different.
Yes, for your convenience, HPL has two curbside drop boxes. You will find one labeled for audio/visual materials (any items with discs) and one labeled for books. You may return items at any time with these drop boxes.
An Interlibrary Loan is a book that you would like to borrow but is not available within any of the ELIN libraries. If available from a participating library outside the ELIN consortium, we will request it for you. You may call or come by the library to make your request. You will need your library card number and the title and author of the book. Books published within the last six months cannot be requested. Temp ELIN cardholders are not eligible for Interlibrary Loans.
Yes, HPL does have public computers. To use a public computer, you will need a reservation from our Circulation Desk. You must show a valid ID to be seated in any of our computer labs.
For more information, see our Computer Use Policy
HPL has a copier available for public use, copies are $.10 each. Printing is available while using a public computer at $.10 each for black and white, and $.25 each for color.
HPL does not offer public faxing or scanning services.
HPL does not offer notary, but the Clerk’s office at City Hall provides that service.
HPL offers two study rooms within the library and they are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. HPL has a public meeting room with an outside entrance available for use. Please refer to our Meeting Room Policy for questions about who can use the meeting room and for what purposes. Reserving the meeting room can be done in person, by phone or by emailing meetingroom@elinlib.org
If your flyer represents a non-profit group and you are providing a service to the community, please bring your flyer to the circulation desk, if approved and room permitting, it may be posted.
HPL offers Adult, Young Adult, and Children’s programs. Please see our Calendar or Facebook page for upcoming events. HPL also offers one-on-one E-resource training with our access services librarian. Call the library for more information.
HPL has an entire floor for our Children’s materials! When you enter the library, head to the right and you will find stairs or an elevator that will take you downstairs. In the Children’s department, you will find books, audio books, book/CD kits, music CDs and DVDs appropriate for children from infancy to 6th grade.
No, HPL does not offer test proctoring services.
HPL appreciates the special place that books have in people’s lives. Donated books are either added to the collection or are given to the Friends of the Hobbs Public Library and then sold in book sales or discarded. Friends of the Library book sales support library programs and services.
HPL provides limited types of tax forms during tax season. These items are sent directly from the IRS. To check availability, please call or stop by the library. Most forms can be printed directly from the IRS website and we are happy to help, printing charges ($.10 per page) do apply.